non-integer strategy parameters
Author: garylapidus
Creation Date: 2/24/2012 11:53 AM
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i need to use strategy parameters that are non-integer. I use statements, e.g.

private StrategyParameter paramCompress;

paramPeriod = CreateParameter("Yada Yada", 1.2, 0.8, 2.0, 0.2);

and the variables are brought in to program ok. However, I am unable to use them in the default data-type as I pass them into Methods(), and the Methods have unique variable names of type float.

I saw how to change the data-type from StrategyParameter into an integer using statements such as:

int high = paramHighest.ValueInt;

But, of course, this won't work in my case because I need a float data type. Is there an analagous statement that will convert my strategy parameters into variables of data type float?

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thanks again, Eugene. have good weekend!
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