getting error when multiplying
Author: cravens
Creation Date: 3/14/2012 8:52 PM
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I am using a variable of type double

double onedayreturn;

and getting an error when the following equation is executed:

onedayreturn = 100.0*(Close[bar]-Close[bar-1])/(Close[bar-1]);

If I do not multiply by 100.0 I do not get the error. The error is:

"Runtime error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at WealthLab.Strategies.MyStrategy.Execute()"

Any thoughts?

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It's not the multiplication. There must be something else in the code causing it - something that isn't shown in your post. As onedayreturn has not been initialized, i.e. null, look for the line where you're referring to this variable without having assigned a value before.

P.S. btw,
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