error: attempting to deserialize an empty stream
Author: iporkalov
Creation Date: 3/28/2013 5:45 AM
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Hi. I'm new here, so please forgive my newbish question. I have tried to solve it myself with wealthscipt programming guide and searching the forum but no success.

Basically I want to use an external symbol csfb, which is a sentiment index. I have created the dataset myself via ASCII, it has date and close fields and works fine when the scale is set to daily.

However, when I try to use intraday scale, this code won't run with the attempting to deserialize an empty stream error.

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How do I make the daily updated external index usable for intraday trading?
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Welcome to the forums Ilya.

I think the script fails because Wealth-Lab couldn't find CSFB in intraday scale. Try using the overloaded call that allows to specify the DataSet that will be searched when your external symbol CSFB is requested:

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Yep, works now. Thanks.
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