access portfolio/watchlist object
Author: sburgener
Creation Date: 9/12/2012 4:41 AM
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In my Execute() routine, I am accessing a function which is member of another class. I know that I can pass in the current underlying (symbol) with the this command, but how can I pass in the whole watchlist/portfolio object? Also, is it possible to access this portfolio object or is it only possible to "access" it by looping through it's individual components (i.e. underlyings)?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Your question deserves clarification, otherwise it could be understood with the help of crystal ball only.

Just give it a little thought: "how do I force an unknown method of some anonymous class which accepts a string as parameter, accept something that it wasn't designed to accept?" (read "some portfolio object", whatever it is).

Be precise please.
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My apologies for not having been clear enough.

I think I just understood how to obtain what I want.

Thanks again,
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