Why does Trailing Stop start later than expected?
Author: grtrader
Creation Date: 2/26/2014 11:25 AM
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In the Rules, there is "Long exit at profit target with fixed stop + Trailing Stop". Is the trailing stop supposed to start for each new buy?
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In this example, I am using a 2% trailing stop, yet it doesn't stop out until much later. Here is the code generated from the rules:

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The exit will trigger only if chosen indicator crosses below a value. Until that, it's inactive.

The OR divider does not make sense in this context and should be dropped.
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I want to exit for:

1. Stochastic crosses below 20.
2. Hit the trailing stop, which in this case is set at 2%

It does exit when the Stochastic crosses below 20, but does not exit for a trailing stop. I created this from the Rules, which is shown in Trailstoprules.png.
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For this, add one more exit rule (e.g. SellAtMarket) with the Stoch condition attached to it. Whichever hits first, will be executed. No need in an OR condition here.
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