Why do Backtest Perf Reports display slightly different results each time?
Author: lepetittrader
Creation Date: 11/28/2010 3:59 PM
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Total noob here - I'm testing the out-of-the-box 3x2 System strategy with the NASDAQ 100 list. Everytime I backtest I get slightly different results. Using a Portfolio Simulation Mode of $150K and Fixe Dollar trades of $10K. Everytime I run the very same strategy on the very same set list of symbols different Net Profit, Net Profit %, % Winners, % Losers etc etc in the Performance tab look different.

Any tips of why we get these different results (slight) everytime?
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Wealth-Lab User Guide: Strategy Window > Backtesting Strategies > How Trades Are Chosen.
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Ah got it - thanks Eugene. Just started reading the Guide last Friday and had not gotten here.

"Programmers can assign priority to Positions in Strategy code via the Position's Priority property. However, if you do not assign priorities, Wealth-Lab automatically assigns a random value for priority. Consequently, when trades are rejected and priorities are random, the results of successive but identical backtests will most often not match - even when using the same settings."

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