Why an alert was not generated in SM and strategy window (6.4)?
Author: abate
Creation Date: 11/21/2012 10:34 AM
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I used the 6.4 yesterday to place an order but the SM never generated a sell signal. I used 'Open stragegy in window' just to make sure an alert is generated but there was no alert. I removed the program today and reinstalled 6.3 today and run 'Open strategy in windonw' on the same strategy. And this one generated a limit sell signal on the order. Which was too late because the stock has since gone down by 2% this morning, costing me money. I had removed the 6.4 version and reinstalled the 6.3.

Edit (Eugene): When describing build quality, please choose a term that may not be treated as insulting to the work of Fidelity developers. I wish you had an idea how many delays have testing those SM changes caused everyone in terms of delaying other requests and fixes. tia.
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If the strategy didn't fire an Alert in Strategy window, the SM is not to blame.

Besides the limit order mention, your description does not contain enough details to reproduce the problem, making me think the reason is something about your Strategy - not in change of builds. A difference in the data after applying data correction, a peculiarity of Strategy generating stop/limit orders at high/low prices, using an unstable indicator... ... ...you get the picture. Without real evidence, far-reaching conclusions should not be made.
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Sorry if my comment came out as an insult. If you think the problem is with my strategy why would the same strategy generate alerts in 6.3 and not in 6.4. And I have used the same strategy of limit orders hundreds of times in 6.3 and never had a problems.
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I can understand how a considerable change to the SM way of operation in 6.4, which is Streaming Bars, can cause a missed alert by an undiscovered bug. However, I positively don't see a way how that relates to missing an alert in a new Strategy window.

"Hundreds of times" is not a sufficient reason/explanation for me.
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I am not sure what you want from me other than reporting problems I encounter. If you really want to investigate the problem further all you have to do is run an sm with limit order on both 6.3 and 6.4 and see if 6.4 fires the alert.
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Yes, 6.4 does generate "a limit order". For example, 6 limit alerts for "Bandwagon Trade [Rev.A]" alone on Dow 30, Daily data, right now.

The devil is still where he's always been -- in the details: How to report a Problem? Since we technicians don't possess telepathic abilities, we have to rely on this checklist to help ourselves reproduce your workflow. Thanks in advance for providing the details.
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