What the difference between Bars.Low[bar-1] and Low[bar-1]
Author: leeto
Creation Date: 6/4/2015 12:26 PM
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Could you explain What the difference between Bars.Low[bar-1] and Low[bar-1] ?

Many thx in advance !
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I don't think there is any. The only time it would matter is if you had an external symbol (Symbol), in which case you would use Symbol.Low[bar-1] to designate the low for the external symbol as opposed to the symbol the strategy was operating on.
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Many thx for reply !
Could you tell me how can I introduce external symbol. For example the code below doesn't compile
and gives me error : "the name SPY does not exist in the current context "

Please log in to see this code.
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See GetExternalSymbol() in the QuickRef (F11), which actually contains an example using SPY!
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And before asking basic questions like this, let me strongly recommend that you review the WealthScript Programming Guide: DataSeries > Accessing Secondary Symbols.
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Thx for reply and for the reference. Sorry for newbie question.
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