Wealth-Lab on high resolution display
Author: Stoik011
Creation Date: 12/23/2013 7:01 AM
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WL doesn`t work correctly with 2880 * 1800 resolution. Can you recommend the way to fix this problem?
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Seems like the familiar bug 146:

Open Issues > (146) Aplication needs to support 120 DPI throughout - Deferred
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I found that the following article help:

I've acquired a 13.3" ultrabook with 1,920 x 1,080px, so I think the resolution is significantly higher than 120ppi. I found that setting “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings” checkbox (in the properties>compatibility tab of Wealth-Lab task bar icon) helped to improve most of the appearance. Some text is a bit to large and is obscured, but still readable. Some of the toolbar icons are very small but still readable.

Hope this helps.

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Further to my previous comment, I'm running Win 8.1. I imagine that the workaround will still work with Win 8 and possibly Win 7.
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Additionally, I recommend disabling the ugly ClearType/font smoothing by unchecking "Smooth edges of screen fonts" in System Properties as shown below:

Configuring the Visual Effects for Better Performance in Windows 7

The fonts in Windows 8.1 looked pretty ugly until this has been disabled.
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Please fix WLD for ultra hi-resolution display with 200dpi

I know read about 125 dpi, but if use native display resolution 2880 x 1800, Windows and WLD not comfortable for work and another programs, if use small display resolution for example 1920 x 1200 this not good quality picture

Now more program's good work with 200dpi, and in future we will have more displays and notebook

Win 8.1 MacBook Pro 15"

Eugene WLD normal work with 200dpi and Disasable scaling, but not correct work only - Data Panel -

All other element's display (normal not critical)

if uncheck Disasable display scaling on program properties

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Please reread my reply #2.

1. This issue is already known for years. That's why it appears on the Open Issues list with id/status assigned.
2. Its "Deferred" status practically means that for technical reasons, the issue won't be fixed. Sorry, we'll have to live with this or use a workaround (if possible).
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I have the exact problem on a Samsung AITV with a 3200 x 1800 display that I use traveling. I've shown the problem to Dion at Traders Expo the year before last and Fidelity this year. It seems like it is a problem to fix. I had similar problem when we went to HD displays and they were able to fix it quickly so I'm hopeful. I'd like to add my vote for fixing it because I depend on WLP and can't buy new equipment for my main trading desk until they do.
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I'm wondering if the "problem" is that WL is writing to the hardware pixels directly instead of going through higher level software. That would account for the very fast screens that we enjoy. There may very well be a trade off between handling different screen resolutions and speed. Since we can see what we need faster on the HD screen, maybe that's best until there's a way to handle the high resolution screens. Since more of the new computers are sporting high resolution and faster video, I suspect that the time will come before long that it's possible to support them.
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I can't remember the exact reason now but heard it's an architectural problem requiring a redesign in WPF rather than WinForms or something along these lines.
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