Using classes from other strategies
Author: bobf
Creation Date: 11/5/2014 8:17 PM
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If I have a class in one strategy, can it be used in another strategy with the "using" keyword or does it have to go in a DLL?
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Thanks for the guidance, that page has really great information. I'm not a .NET developer but have written Java apps so I am missing the basics about .NET; however, I created two DLLs from the information on that webpage.

One is a strategy and it shows up in the "Open Strategy" window so that's all good. The other one is just a class that I want to use in my strategies, but it doesn't have code-completion and I saw that that was a limitation back in 2009 (from searching the forums). Is that still the current state of code completion for DLLs?

Thanks again.

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Yes, lack of code completion is here to stay in the built-in Editor. At the same time, it has always been accessible if you use an IDE like Visual Studio (including Express) or SharpDevelop to develop your Strategies.
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Thanks again for you help! Visual Studio is good too.
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