Using 100% Equity without trades omitted?
Author: bigblue35
Creation Date: 4/13/2015 7:07 PM
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How can we use 100% equity on all trades without having trades omitted. I took off commissions.

If we change margin to 2:1 it also changes the buy and hold benchmark, even when we entered it separately under Preferences.

We need to buy and sell at the close with 100% equity without omitting trades.

thanks for help
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Please see the Wealth-Lab Wiki > FAQ | Position Sizing, Extensions, Miscellaneous > "I'm using 100% Equity position sizing and strategy doesn't seem to use all capital and/or there are trades not included due to insufficient capital."

To install it (extension), you have to have Fidelity Wealth-Lab Pro entitlement. Even then, the mentioned "Position Options" PosSizer isn't a 100% solution as well as it still may skip some trades. As a quick workaround, try bumping down the % equity per position (e.g. 97%), increasing Margin Factor a bit (e.g. 1.03).
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If we change margin to 2:1 it also changes the buy and hold benchmark
The benchmark changes because it assumes you use full margin to buy & hold the benchmark (margin interest applies if selected in Backtest Settings). If you don't want the margin effect on B&H, you just have to run it again with 1:1 margin.
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Thanks for your help

I am confused on a few things though

I dont understand why we can only use 90% of equity (this is the max that will except all trades) for new trades when:

1) Commissions are turned off
2) There is less than 1 trade per year
3) I am trading SPY and index ETF - no futures or anything requiring margin

Its not like I am selling from one trade and re-investing immediately .. there is over a year in between on average

On a $100,000 portfolio trading just one holding once a year on average, what would $10,000 be needed for from equity to make it unable to complete the trade? In a real life scenario this would work fine.

Is there not a way to override somewhere in order to force the 100% equity or delete whatever is causing the gap?

Also, if the only way is to increase margin to make this come close (still wont be accurate) how can I turn margin OFF on the benchmark while keeping it on with my portfolio. Having margin on both defeats the purpose completely.

This equity curve is a great feature and report but isnt accurate without being able to invest 100% ongoing

Thanks for your help with this
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I dont understand why we can only use 90% of equity (this is the max that will except all trades) for new trades when:

Try following my FAQ link and see pointer to the User Guide chapter on "100% of Equity Sizing" that explains it.

Is there not a way to override somewhere in order to force the 100% equity or delete whatever is causing the gap?

Like already suggested in reply #2 above, it's possible to override this behavior to some extent. Since I explained it just a couple of days ago, please read 2nd paragraph of post #6 in this thread: RiskStopLevel & Max % Risk: unexpected trade size.

This equity curve is a great feature and report but isnt accurate without being able to invest 100% ongoing

It's arguable. I'd rather say that assumption about being able to always invest 100% in an AtMarket(bar+1) trade is not accurate (let alone impractical). Still, you can switch to Raw Profit mode (assuming that your fixed dollar size is always enough to purchase at least 1 share/contract of your instrument. See FAQ: When I run a strategy in a Raw Profit mode, a warning message tells me that some trades were dropped because of insufficient funds. Why?)
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Thanks for the info
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It looks like the "Skipped Trades" option is in the extension M123 which needs to be downloaded from the library. how do I obtain this as it will not download for me? Thanks
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Hi bigblue35, extensions are free for Wealth-Lab Developer customers only. If you're using Wealth-Lab Pro with Fidelity, please create a support ticket for access instructions. Thanks.

Not sure if this solution is shown somewhere else, but by overloading the market order with a limit order at the opening price, you can get all the trades if you you run without commissions. With commissions, you'd need to add a tiny bit of margin (1.01 : 1 will probably suffice) to ensure you get all the trades.

Just at this routine to the strategy class:

Please log in to see this code.

Note: There may be slightly differences (1 penny) in execution price between the market and limit orders.
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Nice solution Robert. Added it to the Wiki FAQ.
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thanks for the info. that makes total sense .. implementing correctly is another thing (for me who is new to this coding)

I am attempting to modify a code I just modified to make same bar (long/short) and failing .. would you mind taking a look?

Please log in to see this code.
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I am attempting to modify a code I just modified to make same bar (long/short) and failing .. would you mind taking a look?

Don't do it. Not only your placement of Cone's code is incorrect, it's not applicable to this code. This SAR system is based on AtClose orders which do not require this modification. According to the User Guide chapter on basis price we pointed you at before, AtClose(bar) orders have the basis price identical to the entry price. So no trades are being omitted here. Another error is that "bar+1" in Cone's code must be preserved because a) BuyAt*(bar) orders do not generate Alerts and b) this would create a peeking effect.
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I have seen posts omitted on many boards but never by asking for help. Unfortunate. Thankfully Amibroker was not as resistant to new users. A great product with lack of support is no longer a great product. Im sure this one will be down within the hour as well. Best of luck.
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I have seen posts omitted on many boards but never by asking for help. Unfortunate. Thankfully Amibroker was not as resistant to new users. A great product with lack of support is no longer a great product. Im sure this one will be down within the hour as well. Best of luck.

What an unconventional way of saying thank you to the support given to a free trial user on the forums and by email within minutes and hours:

Cumulative Performance with Reinvesting ?
Using 100% Equity without trades omitted?

P.S. IMHO, the mention of the competitor is in conflict with our website's terms of use stating that:

You are not permitted in any way to solicit to Wealth-Lab registered users to offer them competing services.
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Wow. thanks for the reply. I was set up directly by Fidelity based on being an account holder. In fact, I am an independent advisor with Fidelity Institutional with many clients accounts held there. I was testing this system for myself and to pass along to others.I asked previously how to become a member and if that would help. I created a separate post saying I would pay for help. I asked you directly about how to get help with a very specific need we had. Rather than a reply, my request was omitted. I am sorry my "trial" status was too trivial for you. I would have been more than happy to become a member ... but that is what trials are for .. to see if it is worth the time and money ... I guess my question has been answered.
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Sorry but we (MS123 LLC, a 3rd party company) do not offer paid services in coding custom solutions. It isn't part of the support deal, and paid service is not advertised on our website. Your thread "Pay for Help" on the public forum was addressed to the community:

...if there is anyone / service that could put together the code/strategies we need for a fee?

No offense but if your unanswered post re: paid service request created the impression of being omitted, it's because it either wasn't noticed by the community of Wealth-Lab users (whom you asked) or there's no community member currently interested in taking up the job. If our technicians have time, they're willing to provide assistance with custom strategies in the forum for free within their powers. If I've overlooked your thread with some particular trading idea you need help implementing, please point me at it.
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