Upgraded to 64-bit - can't multi-symbol backtest
Author: LenMoz
Creation Date: 8/17/2013 5:36 PM
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The old version still works on multi-symbol backtest. Running 6GB laptop, Windows 7. I can log on to Fidelity and see my live account. I've got more than enough trades. Data Manager works fine. Seems limited to multi-symbol backtest.

When I click at the portfolio level, it still says, "Click on a symbol..."

Probably something simple?

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How does it look? An (attached) picture can be worth a thousand words.
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Two pictures attached, original, working version, and 64-bit. In both cases, I've just clicked on portfolio, "SmallTech". The 64-bit version never gets the "Backtest on all Symbols in "SmallTech" button.

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The strategy has a compile error and WLP naturally can't run it (but you can review charts). Either it's in the code itself, or a Reference to some assembly saved with the strategy is missing (like you forgot to copy the DLL to the 64-bit WLP installation folder, for example).
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We're on the right track.

Seems I have to re-install extensions - NeuroLab, Community Indicators, etc. I have no personal .DLL's, if that's whatat you meant on copying.
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Works now after re-installing extensions. Thanks for your help.
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An Extension is just the same as a personal DLL. This strategy must be using a missing extension like Community Indicators (Components, whatever). Glad to have helped.
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