Upgrade reversed strategy edits?
Author: sourkraut
Creation Date: 8/1/2013 8:39 PM
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Recently I had downloaded the "latest" WL available from Fidelity (not the tiral).

Today I made some changes in a strategy in the WL editor, saved, compiled, and ran.
Then I closed WL..

Later I restarted, and got pop-up that a new version was available (6.5).
I clicked ok, installed, restarted WL.

The changes I had made earlier today had disappeared.

By chance my edits were fairly simple, and I could restore them easily, but...:

Is there some mysterious order, in which one should save and compile? Or did the upgrade overwrite the latest files with backup files?
Is there some location, where i might have recovered my previously edited fiels?

Had I made some serious edits, this could have been disastrous.

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Upgrading can not affect the Data directory, and therefore could not reverse your edits. Period.

Here's some food for thought:

1. You forgot to save. Or saved under a different name.
2. Your backup facility has intervened. Windows has built-in feature that can restore previous file versions (rollback). Reverting to a previous system restore point will revert edits.
3. You used two Windows accounts. One can do it in Vista/7/8/2012 even unintentionally, by running WL6 with admin privileges, and then without (or vice versa).

In addition, I'd like to recommend you update to the latest MS123 Performance Visualizers to benefit from a new tool called Snapshots whose purpose is to collect strategy code revisions.
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Thanks for your tips.

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Re: 2.
Windows System Restore isn't the same or a replacement for a backup facility. System Restore uses restore points to return your system files and settings to an earlier point in time, without affecting personal files (like edits to a strategy).\\
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I stand corrected. Roaming user profiles not impacted by restore:

What does Windows System Restore exactly back up and restore?
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