Trying to filter a Symbol list into only symbols with 250k shares < SMA(volume,21) <1M shares
Author: cravens
Creation Date: 4/23/2012 12:59 PM
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I want to take a large data set with various volumes and extract out only those symbols with the 21 day moving average of volume between 250k shares and 1M shares. The output should be printed in the debug window. The following code should do this but does not. An example that it fails to remove from the new is is ABIO.

This code is verbose but it should catch all conditions in the volume range. It also looks for price>$5.

Does anyone know why ABIO and others fail?

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If SMA > 2.5 million shares... not 250,000 ;)
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thanks. I've been staring it too long.

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