Translating MetaStock PREV function to WealthScript
Author: eyagan
Creation Date: 2/11/2011 6:46 AM
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Hi everyone,

I am very new to the wealth-lab world and I want to start trading with this great program sooner or later. I have some custom indicators on Metastock but how to interpret them to wealth-lab language... got no clue? can you please help me with the basic indicator below so that I can see what ise waiting for me?

period:=Input("TRUE RANGE period",1,100,17);
Q4:=Mov( Typical(),period,S) ;


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Hi there,

The Q3 and Q4 are trivial:
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References: TypicalPrice = AveragePriceC; ATR

The Q5 line will be a bit more involved to translate. Here's one clue from the Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > How to program MetaStock's PREV function in Wealth-Lab?

There is a function in MetaStock formula language called PREV that slows down processing dramatically, but is quite helpful.

A common mistake when translating a MetaStock formula with PREV statement is confusing it with the series value on the previous bar. However, MetaStock does have a way to reference previous bar value which is "Ref": e.g. "Ref(c,-1)". PREV is a statement-oriented self-referencing directive that references its own value on the previous bar.

If a bar loop is being used, simply reference the variable like shown below to create a PREV equivalent:

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thanks for the quick answer Eugene...
I will check the wiki for the prev function, that's the crucial part...
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