The type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found
Author: rptrader1
Creation Date: 11/23/2011 9:12 PM
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I am getting the follolwing error when I try to compile any downloaded strategy:

error CS0246@(7.7): The type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I noticed the following statement in the code:

using Community.Indicators;

Do I need to download code to link to this?

Appreciate your help.

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Hi - I am past this error now. I was able to find the indicators code.

However, when I try to run the Renko Basic strategy, I get the following:

error CS0117@(25,12): 'WealthLab.ChartStyles.Trending.ChartStyle' does not containa definition for 'GetSettings'

error CS0117@(30,25): 'WealthLab.ChartStyles.Trending.ChartStyle' does not containa definition for 'Columns'


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Whenever you notice the following statement in the code:
Please log in to see this code.
the strategy's description already suggests to download and install the library as well as provides the extension download link.

Regarding the 2nd error, have you downloaded the update aka "Renko Basic Strategy [Rev A]" (Open strategy > Download...)?
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The Rev A version works.
Thanks very much, Eugene.

Much appreciated.
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I am also getting the follolwing error when I try to compile strategy from example of indicator "Moving Average Envelope" in Community Indicators.

error CS0246@(7.7): The type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The using directive exists in the code:

using Community.Indicators;

What should I do? What is missing? How to add an assembly reference?
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See my reply above from 11/24/2011 1:50 AM. Install Community Indicators and restart WLD.
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Thanks, everything turned out!
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