The colors in the Wealth-Lab code
Author: joannakim
Creation Date: 9/28/2010 3:52 PM
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Hi. I am not sure whether I am posting this question in the right area, but here it is: I am trying to learn to code my custom strategies ( good luck, right?) And I noticed that there were different color script: Burgundy, black, green, etc. Could you please tell me what each color denotes? Thanks.

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Sure, MSDN is the right place to look .NET specific things:

Colors by Name
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I don't think you understood my question correctly which is a really basic one. Under the "Editor" tab of a WLP strategy window, there is the code for the strategy. And the code comprised 4 different colored text: Burgundy, blue, black, red and green, and I believe green is the "comments" that are not part of programming commands. What do each of the colors denote?

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I meant to say that there were 5 different colors rather than 4.

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The colors denote the different parts of the language synthax. While in the Editor, click Options, Font & Colors.
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Under Options, Colors and Fonts under the Editor tab, it says that the color blue is for directives. What are "directives?"

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For example, the using Directive at the top. There are others such as conditional compilation directives (more advanced stuff).
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My question was: What do "directives" mean? For example, do "directives" ask or command the program to do certain things? What do they do?

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My answer would be: please get a C# 101 book or tutorial. For example:

How do I start with C# ?
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The link above:" Hoe do I ...." does not click into anything either. Thanks.

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Two suggestions: Always double-check from some other browser. Fix your browser issues.
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How would I fix my browser issues, any suggestions?
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As this is the Wealth-Lab forum, we only support Wealth-Lab products.
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When you click the link, it opens in another browser tab. If you're using Internet Explorer, for example, that might not be obvious since the focus doesn't switch to the new tab.
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