Suppressing the Bars Plot in the Price Pane
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 8/28/2013 4:11 AM
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A simple question that probably has been answered before but I could not find it:

The Bars object is plotted automatically in the price pane, I don't need to issue a plot command for this.
As a consequence, I cannot choose color and other parameters.

Suppose I want the Close of the OHLC Bars of my Base Symbol plotted in the price pane with a line width of 4 and in red color. This is easy to do.

But can I suppress the plot of the OHLC bars in the price pane in order to have only the red line?

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But can I suppress the plot of the OHLC bars in the price pane in order to have only the red line?

This question is a bit different from the FAQ, and there's another solution:

Dotted Chart Style

Not the red line but the dots, though. I'm still at a loss why not simply turn on the "Line Chart Style": red line, no OHLC plot. Voila.
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Also, besides the Preferences (F12) for "Chart Colors and Styles", you can control the colors of the bars and background in your code too using: SetBarColors()

Strike F11 for the QuickRef for more info

If you really want to suppress the visible plot, give this a try:
Please log in to see this code.
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I don't want to hide the price pane.

We are batch processing many strategies with WL6. Therefore everything has to be accomplished by program code, and that's why I have placed this question in the group Wealth-Lab Developer/Pro.

So far I see no solution to the problem.
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Thank you, Cone. Is SetBarColors affecting the Bars object (Base Symbol)?
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I see it must be like this. Thank you!
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