Streaming Strategy window executing long time to be terminated
Author: kazuna
Creation Date: 1/9/2014 1:26 AM
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While I'm experimenting a code in Streaming window, I saw a message saying something like "strategy run was terminated".

If I remember correctly, this is due to WLP updating the bar and in order to avoid the streaming crash while the strategy blocking the bar update.

The question I have is the timeout value for which the strategy is considered to be terminated.
It looks like longer than 10 sec but much less than 1 min.
Is there a pre-define timeout value?
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I'm not aware of a timeout value for scripts in Wealth-Lab 6. The termination occurs in a streaming window when a strategy is executing at the time a new bar needs to be appended to the Bars object. This is most likely to occur only when you happen to initialize (i.e., first run) a strategy very close to the end of a new chart interval. Personally, I can't even remember the last time I've seen this occur.
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