Startup crash on loading saved workspace
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 10/13/2014 8:19 AM
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WLP is crashing during startup this morning. It is set to open on a worksheet that has 10 windows open. There are 8 charts, a Quotes pane, and a Strategy Monitor. As WLP opens, the Strategy Monitor starts checking data and updating alerts. 8 strategies are being updated. At the first startup attempt, 4 strategies that apply to a 10 symbol dataset made it through updating. The remaining 4 strategies apply to a 200 symbol dataset. The program seems hung on trying to finish the updating on the 200 symbol datasets.

I have closed all other programs and restarted the computer. The problem was not fixed.

Should I reinstall the program? If so, will my datasets and workspaces be available when the program is re-installed? Is there a way to interrupt the Strategy Monitor's updating?

I don't believe my previous Gmail problem is relevant. I had cleared those settings and run WLP with no problems several times after clearing.


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That "seems" won't help troubleshooting. We need more than a description of what happens: the complete details to understand/reproduce. There's just way too many unknowns: which charts (providers, instruments, bar scales, data loading ranges, applied indicators and so on and so forth), which symbols in Quotes, which strategies in the SM on which instruments/DataSets and with which settings. Additionally, Strategy Monitor has a logging feature to dump events on a per strategy basis.

I recommend a step by step approach to determine the culprit. Do charts run if opened individually? Fine. Crash? Then they might have a 3rd party ChartStyle applied that has been uninstalled - just for example. Do quotes stream? Great. Then in the Strategy Monitor, start adding strategies one by one and note which causes you problems.

Should I reinstall the program?

It's been on our FAQ probably since inception: I have a problem. Tried to reinstall Wealth-Lab, but it didn't help!
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Isolated problem to be caused by one of four strategies in the Strategy Monitor. Problem fixed by removing and re-adding the strategy. This strategy caused no problem when processing a 10 symbol dataset but crashed on a 200 symbol (no common symbols) dataset.


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