Some indicators are missing
Author: DIY
Creation Date: 11/29/2013 7:11 PM
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Is W-L Developer 6.6 64 bit compatible with Windows 8.1 64 bit or do I need to download 32 bit?
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Yes, it is compatible.
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Hi Eugene, I downloaded the 64 bit but some of the Indicators were missing. I then downloaded the 32 bit over the 6.5 32 bit and it works perfectly. I have since deleted the 64 bit.
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Ian, deleting/reinstalling is (almost) never a solution with Wealth-Lab. "Some" indicators can not be missing as you say. Either the whole library is installed or it's not. If not, you could have not installed the respective extension (i.e. Community Indicators or TASCIndicators). Even most likely, as this FAQ suggests, the indicator library's got installed into 32-bit installation folder instead of 64-bit:

FAQ: Extension installed in Wealth-Lab doesn't show up after restarting application.
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Thanks Eugene, I think I understand what you are saying. Originally I had 32 and 64 bit installed but only used the 32 bit and kept it updated as the 64 bit never worked correctly (from previous discussions).
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Not sure what previous discussions do you mean (I can only recall an extension installation issue on W8), but 64-bit WL6 works correctly on 64-bit operating systems. In fact, I've used it for years exclusively.
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Hi Eugene, the problems with Windows 8.0 and 6.5 64 bit arose re my tickets 'Performance visualisers' and 'Adding extensions'. Now a different problem has arisen (some Indicators missing) with Windows 8.1 and 6.6 64 bit.

You were a great help then and we got around some of the problems. I seem to remember you saying there were some problems with Windows 8 and therefore download 6.5 in 32 bit, which worked fine.

I know this is not solving the latest problem. I am happy using 32 bit but would be willing to assist by trying to recreate the problem and documenting it.

PS As an aside I am having incompatibility problems with Windows 8.1 and AVG - the developers hope to have it fixed tomorrow.
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I am happy using 32 bit but would be willing to assist by trying to recreate the problem and documenting it.

I'm willing to take a look into the problem if you name the exact "some indicators" that are missing from your 64-bit installation.

Hi Eugene, the problems with Windows 8.0 and 6.5 64 bit arose re my tickets 'Performance visualisers' and 'Adding extensions'.

'Adding extensions' was some sort of permission issue or even incorrect file type handler issue. 'Performance visualisers' was again a local problem that could not be reproduced. Both not a mass problem (there are no W8 compatibility problems) and it's likely that they have existed on your PC, probably caused by system configuration/3rd party software (presumably). Don't count out the effect of possible incorrect file type handler registration, system security programs, etc.
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Eugene, I downloaded 6.6 64 bit. Community indicators and Neuro-lab did not come up (I can download these). TASC and W-L standard indicators came up but 2 charts (Momentum and Rsquared) in W-L standard indicator did not come up on the screen. There are spaces where they should be but I can not delete the spaces and re-enter them. The charts relating to the script are there.

Also when I opened the program an error notice 'Unhandled exception' came up (see attached *.txt). Hope this is of help.
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Twiggs Money Flow is part of Community Indicators. It is not installed on your machine according to the attached list of Loaded Assemblies. So no wonder there's an unhandled exception saying that this type is not found. This is not a compatibility issue.

As to other indicators, you clear them by clicking "Clear Drag and Drop Indicators" (if they were drag n' dropped) or through code. They can become invisible due to reasons caused by insufficient data loading range and/or incorrect/inapplicable parameters. Again, not even close to "compatibility issue".

P.S. I've renamed the poorly named thread to concentrate on the issue itself vs. incorrect compatibility assumptions.
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Thanks Eugene, I downloaded the Community indicators and this solved all the problems. I will now use the 64 bit version as I presume it has some advantages over the 32 bit version on my PC with Windows 8.1 64 bit.

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