Run WL strategy in command line or call by another WL?
Author: topbooks
Creation Date: 4/10/2014 12:57 PM
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I run 20 WL scripts (in WLP) daily, I thought maybe I can write one WL script to call the 20 WL scripts, so I can walk away and come back later, just check results. How to do that in WLP?
Basically I am looking for a way to automatic my daily tasks.
Any hint?
My WLs run in each of its own workspace, any way can run this in command line, so I can put the command in dos batch file or perl scripts?
Or one WL script call 20 WL scripts?

My scripts are kind of complex, seems hard to make it in a class definition.

Thanks again.
Your team is great!
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Depends on how exactly do you use these 20 strategies i.e. what's the purpose. This is the key question, as the Strategy Monitor is the tool of choice for running multiple strategies, on a schedule (EOD) or by automatically by interval. Why don't simply use it?

Other possibilities always remain, depending on your answer - like using Tools > Strategy Ranking, or using a technique to call a Strategy from another - but before going further we'd like to understand your workflow.
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Great answer.
I never used monitor, I will try out.
Also, I will check out the link you told.

Thank you very much as always.
William Zhu
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