Restoring archived code
Author: flroots
Creation Date: 7/3/2014 6:59 AM
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As background, I keep my Windows OS and programs on the C:\ partition and data on the D:\ partition. I see that Wealth-Lab Pro saves the code files to C:\ in the form of XML files. For this reason, I periodically copy the XML code files from C:\ to D:\ . Now I wish to test to be sure that the archived XML files can be pasted into a new strategy and compiled. When I open the XML file with an editor and pasted it into a new strategy there was some extra XML stuff added at top and bottom, but worse still, some characters got correupted within the code which prevented the code from being compiled successfully. I have a few questions:
1. Is there a way to configure Wealth-Lab Pro to save code to D:\?
2. Is there an export/import code function?
3. If not, how best to archive the XML files to D:\ and then import and compile them?

Here's an example of the corruption:

Original code:
Please log in to see this code.

Modified code:
Please log in to see this code.

I have tried using two different editors, but the results were the same. The most recent editor was designed specifically for XML (ie,
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1 - If D:\ is a network path, yes. Wealth-Lab User Guide: Reference > Dialogs > Strategy Explorer > Network Paths to Strategies. Otherwise you can configure Windows via this unsupported trick: see the FAQ >

Can I relocate the whole "Data" folder (or only some subfolder) of my Wealth-Lab 6 from C: to a different drive or directory?

2 - No/Yes.

a) No to Export: there's no need in it as the files are directly available to copying by disk backup programs or manually.
b) Yes to Import: on how to, refer to the same User Guide chapter.

The XML files are not meant for copying/pasting code. Yes, the code will be "corrupt" if extracted manually and this is by design.
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Thanks Eugene. I just tried the Import function and it worked fine. I already have a batch file that takes care of copying XML files from C:\ to D:\. I also have CrashPlan cloud backup which can archive them as well. In my case, I restore C:\ every 6 months or so, so I need to be sure not to leave valuable (non backed up) stuff there!
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Agreed. There's no such thing as "enough backups".
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