Referencing Entry Volume
Author: Jim0000076
Creation Date: 11/1/2012 2:16 AM
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I have been trying to reference entry volume in a similiar manner as to how entry price may be referenced.

For Entry price is use this:

if (Close[bar] >= (LastPosition.EntryPrice * 1.50))

I want to do a similiar thing for volume. I attempted to use the following code but is did not work.

if (Volume[bar]*1.5 < (LastPosition.EntryVolume))

I was attempting to use the above code to find out if volume had dropped greater than 50% from the entry volume. Does anyone know how to do this?
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I attempted to use the following code but is did not work.

That would be pretty shocking if it worked! :) There is no such thing as "entry volume". There can be volume at the bar of entry or position's size:
Please log in to see this code.
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Eugene, you are awesome. Thank you.

You also made me laugh :).
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Thanks for the kind words Jim. Glad to help.
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