Author: dansmo
Creation Date: 11/2/2010 8:52 AM
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in an attempt to build an indicator, I tumbled over this piece of code in the source of Community.Indicators:
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I am interestet in the RangeBound function. I thougth that this would disable the user to input values > 300. However I can enter 310 and have the indicator plotted to the chart. How can prevent the user from using greater values than 300?
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Answer: in the constructor of your DataSeries, manually introducing logic that would prevent calculations based on entered value should work fine. You can't entirely stop the user from entering a value above the upper range of RangeBoundIt32, but Wealth-Lab will warn the user that doing this might be against the indicator's design.
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Okay, then it should warn me when I enter a value > 300 in the Beta indicator, but it does not.
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The warning comes from a manual slider entry that's out of range. It's not going to warn if someone enters a parameter in the code, but you can do your own check in the code for that.
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Good. Did it directly in the code with a messagebox.
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