Programmatic support for Market Manager?
Author: skalman99
Creation Date: 11/21/2011 9:19 AM
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After reading the online guide to Market Manager I have the following question:

Is it possible to ask the Market Manager from within a strategy if today is a holiday?

Regards Jon
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Yes, see MarketInfo object > Holidays in the QuickRef.

To stress, you don't need to call the Market Manager explicitly. This is a standard WealthScript directive. But if your provider supports Market Manager (important!), then it can work behind the scenes and provide your Strategy with customized holiday schedule. So you can add your market in the MM tool, define your own holidays (different from the built-in U.S. holidays schedule - helpful when you trade in a different part of the world) and the same WealthScript call will make Wealth-Lab adjust to your holiday schedule. If no support for the MM exists in the provider, Wealth-Lab will fall back to the installed U.S. schedule when returning the list of holidays.
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Eugene, thanks! I apologize for the inconvenience, should have looked there myself...
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