Print: How can I print without previewing it?
Author: murty
Creation Date: 6/5/2013 2:31 PM
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1. Print All actually opens a print preview. How can print directly without having to preview each tab?

2. How can change standard Fidelity header/footer on each printed page?

Thanks in advance
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1. Preferences > Advanced Options > Printing:

[v] Do not show print preview when printing reports
[v] Do not show the print dialog when printing reports

2. You can't, unless you print to file (PDF, XPS) first and then edit it.
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Thanks. But:

I cannot print Monte Carlo tab. Any way, I can print it?

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The MC visualizer does not support printing - as well as all MS123 visualizers. If you enter a support ticket, we might consider adding it in a future release.
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