Precision on MACD and indicators in general
Author: thetraderman
Creation Date: 7/19/2011 8:35 AM
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I noticed that when I use the MACD values it rounds to 2 digits even though I modified the indicator precison to 4 decimal places in the preference tab. In other words it shows 4 decimal places when I put the mouse at a specified point on the MACD line but it appears that when I use the value itself in my calculation it uses 2 digits. Am I doing something wrong or that is just the way it works? I was hoping I can can use more than 2 digits since MACD moves slowly and the extra digits makes a difference.

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I actually printed out the results and it seems to go way out in precision so it appears there must be something else going on. Sorry for the confusion.
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The digits are for display only. If you're using a double type, you get full precision. A most common error, however, is to perform an integer division and assign to a double - the result is an integer assigned to a double type. Example: PrintDebug(25/10);
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A most common error,

A note was even added to the Wiki FAQ: I'm trying to divide two numbers and the result is zero.
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