Plotting 15 minute data on 5 minute intraday chart
Author: Tobey
Creation Date: 3/4/2011 10:05 AM
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks for the tip on running calculations on compressed data first before using it in another time span.

The SetScaleDay() code got me very nicely form daily data to 15 minute Chart.

Next I'd like to use 15 minute data on a 5 minute chart.

I'm using the code you gave me to switch between int-day time scales. What do I need to do to call up 15 minute data in the case 5 time scale?

Thanks again for all your help!

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See QuickRef (F11): SetScaleCompressed
And, WealthScript Programming Guide: Multi-Time Frame Analysis > Intraday/Intraday

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Hi Cone,

Knowing what to look for and where to look is a beautiful thing.

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