Author: maninjapan
Creation Date: 12/21/2009 11:02 AM
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Need some help again, I would like to write a rule where IT buys when todays close is equal to /less than the 50th percentile of the past 10 days range....

Not sure about the percentile function bit though.....
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I can help with this if I knew exactly what a 50th percentile price meant with respect to a 10-day range. Can you give an example, please?
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Take all of the last 10 trading days' closes, rank them high to low and then today's should fall in the bottom 50% of that ranking.
Im just trying to figure out this concept as a trade filter, apologies if it was a bit vague.
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I don't see what that has to do with the past 10 days' range, but here's something to work with.

1. Close WLP/D
2. Download and unzip ALGLIB into the installation folder. (More info on ALGLIB. I compiled this library without any source modification.)
3. Example - a really good one ;)

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Interesting note: When Days Back is divisible by 10, the indicator at 50th percentile equals the Median.Series indicator. (Proof left for homework.)
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Thanks for that Cone, I think it should have been period, not range....
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Cone, Took me a while to get back to this but I did, added the following to check it. Thanks again though. just what I needed.

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Cone, Im trying to add multiple Percentiles. Below is my attempt at adding a second Percentile to the code above. The following code compiles correctly but comes back with a runtime error when I attempt to run it.

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My script was a demonstration of the capability. If you want to use it as an indicator that you call over and over, you should make a proper indicator out of it, or at least call it as a function like this - (I probably should have done this the first time).

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Thanks Cone, works a charm!!
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fwiw I had a need for this calculation as well

I didn't care to use alglib. Got that sandboxing issue again whenever I download a dll from the internet (and I've forgotten how to deal with it. suggestions welcomed)

Here is code that will duplicate Excels Percentile function

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Any chance of adding this to the Community Indicators?
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Any chance of adding this to the Community Indicators?

Percentile is already present there as part of an indicator (DSR.percentile).

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I was looking in the indicators for something obvious like Percentile. (Percentile Rank is there)

I see DSR but no DSR Percentile

The help function takes you to a website that describes DSR but doesnt seem to indicate how to get the say, 75th percentile of the past 50 closes. It's not clear to me in the documentation. May I ask you to elaborate?


p.s Just plotted the DSR, it appears to give you the current bars percentile relative to the last n bars. What I was looking for is not the current percentile but the value of say, 75th percentile of the last n bars starting at the current bar.

I think it is a different indicator.
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"DSR.percentile" is not an indicator and has no need to be documented. It's a helper function the DSR is powered by. It calculates percentile of a sorted data set. The code is open source if you wish to learn more on how to use it: Community Indicators - Download Project Source Code. It's declared as public for ease of re-use in custom code. I do not claim that it's a solution to your problem.

Got that sandboxing issue again whenever I download a dll from the internet (and I've forgotten how to deal with it. suggestions welcomed)

1. Open Google, type in "" nearby your search query (e.g. "sandboxing").
2. Bookmark topics that were useful for you (Topic > Options button > Bookmark) to access them from "My Dashboard" later.

Hope this helps.
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Thank you Eugene

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