Number of markets in portfolio backtesting
Author: kkrisz
Creation Date: 5/7/2013 4:55 PM
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When I run my strategy on a DataSet (and not on an individual equity) can I control the number of markets to trade simultaneously? My real life strategy has some limitation on the number of equities to trade in the same time, and I would like to bring this logic into backtesting.
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Sure. For example, there are PosSizers like Position Options from MS123 PosSizer Library that can help limit the number of simutaneous positions, entries per day, etc.

Sounds like a combination of "Max open positions" and "Max open per day" should do the trick for you. Be sure to click these button labels to activate them: just typing in a number in the input box isn't enough.
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Thank you Eugene. I had a look at the mentioned position sizer. It is really powerful. Unfortunately my system requires very specific position sizer logic therefore developing my own position sizer DLL is not avoidable.

I already made a working prototype of a possizer DLL based on the available documentation but there is one thing I couldn't solve yet:

how can the position sizer see the open positions of the portfolio?

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Krisztian, the open positions at any given bar are returned by a call to...

Please log in to see this code.
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Thanks again Eugene, it works like a charm. My probably last question in this topic is about using Data Series in position sizers:

Can I have access to the the dataseries objects of the strategy from the position sizer or can I establish on there? I need daily ATR value for the position size calculation...
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You can have it both in PosSizers:

1. have access to DataSeries (meaning: instantiating indicators defined in indicator libraries e.g. SMA)
2. pass on a DataSeries (or value, or any other custom Object) from a Strategy to the PosSizer

With ATR, you can simply reference WealthLab.Indicators.dll in your PosSizer solution, add a "using" directive (using WealthLab.Indicators) and then call the ATR DataSeries to determine the daily ATR value. It's really not different from how you're using ATR in a WealthScript Strategy.

For more information on PosSizer development, please refer to the PosSizer API guide (PDF).
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