Not Getting Alerts
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 7/6/2011 6:09 PM
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The following code is not producing Alerts after daily prices are updated after the market closes:

Please log in to see this code.

It is a strategy that I created using rules and then had Wealth Lab convert it to code.

Additional info:

Running WL, 32 bit, Windows Vista Pro
Scale is daily
Data range is 1 Year
Position Size is $1,000,000 (RP)
Data Set is 76 ETF's
PortfoliooOptimized using the genetic method
Strategy is in the Strategy Monitor
"Show Alerts for All Strategies" is activated.


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All trades (Buy/Sell/Short/Cover) should be for bar+1, not bar.
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Sammy_G is right, but generally "AtClose" strategies don't Alert unless you implement the extra step to change the AtClose to AtMarket when processing the last bar. See the WealthScript Programming Guide > Programming Trading Strategies > Alerts > How to: Alert for AtClose Signals
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