Multiple Monitors
Author: gdodds
Creation Date: 5/3/2015 6:06 PM
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I run WL on my laptop on an external HDMI montor. The monitor runs as an extension of my laptop desktop.

When I travel I take the laptop with me without the external monitor. This causes a problem as when I run WL it runs in the same window position it last ran which is the missing external monitor. I have not found a way to restore the window to the laptop screen without having an external monitor.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve this ?

Longer term, can WL be modified to perform as other windows apps do and not startup on a missing monitor ?

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Barring a fix as you suggest (we'd sure like to see that too), the easiest solution is to move WL to your laptop monitor before traveling. But if you forget to do that, you'll need to edit (or delete) the WealthLabConfig.txt file as described at the top of this FAQ:
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I have not found a way to restore the window to the laptop screen without having an external monitor.

It would be interesting to see if a virtual desktop utility has an impact to serve as a workaround. In theory it should extend the screen real estate, 'restoring' the window position that becomes hidden after unplugging the external monitor.
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Thanks for the replies.

As Cone mentioned, moving WL back to the laptop is the easiest solution and I do this most times. The problem is when I forget to do it. I was not aware of the WealthLabConfig.txt file will definitely use this as a workaround next time I get stuck.

Eugene, I have not heard of virtual desktop utilities, can you supply a link ?

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Eugene, I have not heard of virtual desktop utilities, can you supply a link ?

Sorry, I'm not using them currently. There are too many of them - just search for free virtual desktop Windows.
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This causes a problem as when I run WL it runs in the same window position it last ran which is the missing external monitor. I have not found a way to restore the window to the laptop screen without having an external monitor.

Here is a solution for Windows 7 and newer:
1) Clik on the WL symbol in the task bar
2) Press and hold the Windows key
3) Press arrow left or right several times until the WL window appears on your main screen
4) If you want to maximise the window press Windows key + arrow up
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Hi Konstantin,

Thank you for sharing the workaround. I've added it to the Wiki Errors page.

The bug is to be fixed in next release of Wealth-Lab (no ETA yet).
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That works well for the main form, but dialogs (Indicators, QuickRef, etc.) will still be a problem until Wealth-Lab ensures that it displays forms in the VirtualScreen area.
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