Missing Target Limit in Alerts or Strategy Window
Author: traindl
Creation Date: 10/24/2012 10:18 AM
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Hello Eugene,

hope you can help me... my strategie is almost ready.. but i have question in my strategie i use TARGET limit and also TBX but when i get alerts or will test my strategie in strategie window i get alerts but i cannot see the Target limit for each alert ?!
maybe there is somthing missing in my code so that this is visalized?
i will attach an extract of my strategie rules (exit).
how can the target limit for a equity be shown then in alerts?

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Guten Tag Thomas,

Please see the FAQ: Alerts are not triggered.

The answer is: adjust your system to use "bar+1", otherwise you will not get Alerts.
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Hi Eugene,

no i think you missunderstood me...
it should be anyhow possible to see my target limits in my actual alerts in row, like i see also my position priority for example
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At the risk of repeating: Alerts will not be triggered for bar. Period.
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You can code like, "if X occurred yesterday (on bar - 1), do something today (on bar)". It "works", but it's not good style, it's not how anyone trades, and you won't get Alerts.

Instead, you must code like: "if X occurred today (on bar), do something tomorrow (on bar + 1). This is the proper style, it's how you trade, and it will give you Alerts.
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