MFEAsOfBar and MFEAsOfBarPercent for Futures
Author: kbellare
Creation Date: 12/18/2013 7:37 PM
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The MFEAsofBar for Futures doesn't seem to work - does it factor the point value in its calculation? It seems too small compared to the daily ATR. If it doesn't support, please suggest a formula to use that shows profit/loss of a futures position?

Also,what is the basis assumed when calculating MFEAsofBarPercent for Futures? Futures have a daily margin (2.5K-4K) but no cost basis - so, how should i interpret MFE_Percent metrics?

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The MFEAsofBar for Futures doesn't seem to work - does it factor the point value in its calculation?

MFE/MAEAsOfBar and MFE/MAEAsOfBarPercent do account for PointValue of a futures contract. AFAIR, last known bug here was fixed in 2011.
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Keep in mind that during script execution in Portfolio Simulation mode the size of a position is 1 share (or contract). Consequently, MFE will be based on holding only 1 share/contract. Exception: You can specify the sizing with WealthScript Override SetShareSize() so that it is reflected in all calculations during scription execution.

Re: MFEAsOfBarPercent
Stocks or futures, it's always calculated by the maximum excursion from the entry price.

Contrary to what is stated in the QuickRef, however, commissions are not applied to these calculations - at least not during script execution. Commissions may enter the equation during visualizer post-processing (we need to check that).

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Thanks Cone, Eugene,

So, MFEAsofBarPercent is 100X(max excursion from entry price)/entry price, correct? This is not a good metric to compare trade profits across different futures, because their profit depends on the absolute excursion from entry price X point value, not the % excursion from entry price.

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