Linked charts to view trades
Author: TCust
Creation Date: 12/11/2013 9:49 AM
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I test Portofolio and have 400 trades, sort this trades by Profit and see minus (-) 200 trades

I click on trade, and see on chart. For next trade, I need click on tab Trades, visual found last trade, and click on next trade, next my step I click on tab Trades found last trade...

After view 30 trade, I not see other trade and test on WLD

Why Amibroker, Multicharts, Ninja, TradingBlox have External windows with trades linked with Chart, where I only pres Up\Down Arrow and see all trades on Chart, WLD not, what MS123 develop ?
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Although it's not exactly what you're looking for, the Portfolio Inspector can help navigate through the "life" of a portfolio backtest to some extent.
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Eugene need fast review trade's in strategy ( Portofolio,Single ) on chart for analysis, why so - +

Real trade, this not game with variable formula or optimization, I need know why ?

This simple function for your programmer's, without this WLD not functional
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For example TradingBlox have box below charts with all trades, I may sort trades, and only one click, or press button, and fast see trade on chart for analyse

This critical for using WLD and System build/test
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Sorry Anatoly, Fidelity does not have plans for adding a tool like that.
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