Limiting data depth in a 1-minute Fidelity DataSet
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 5/18/2013 11:19 AM
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I have created a data set for which I would like to download 5 days of 1-minute bars. The Data Manager is downloading 10 years of data. Is there a way to download only 5 days of bars?

Thank you.
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No, sorry. This is by design.
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For a DataSet that's correct, but for on-demand requests (symbol not in a DataSet) there's actually is one way around it - use Streaming. For example, if you don't already have the data for a symbol, a request is issued for the amount of data required for the chart.
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Just wanted to add that it depends on data provider. MS123 data providers may ignore the starting date for various reasons. Fortunately, the on-demand trick should work with the FidelityStaticProvider.
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