Limit Historical Data Download
Author: joebambino
Creation Date: 3/24/2014 5:07 PM
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I can't seem to find any way to limit historical data downloads. I am downloading 1-minute data from Fidelity to backtest over a large number of symbols. I only need about 2 years worth of data, but wealth lab always downloads 'all' the available historical minute data. Usually this is about 10 years worth and takes a significant amount of time. Is there any way to specify, when updating data in the data manager, to only download a limited amount of 1-minute data?
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You cannot control the amount downloaded, and unfortunately the Fidelity intraday downloads (1 to 10 min intervals) are painfully slow. I'd recommend creating 100-symbol DataSets and start the download after hours and let it run overnight.

Of course, when you test, you should limit the data loaded to the amount required (2 years) using the Data Range control.
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Thanks, Cone! I assumed as much.
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