Is there a way to invert the y axis scale
Author: sedelstein
Creation Date: 11/28/2012 8:34 PM
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Sometimes, it is interesting to look at charts with an inverted scale. To be able to see a chart with declining as bullish (in a sense). I did a search of the forums and came up blank.

Is it possible to do this?
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I did a search too and found this:

Sentiment indicator using Rotation Rank

9/21/2011 10:10 AM

There's no WealthScript property/feature to invert the scale but you could change the sign of the values in a copy of your DataSeries and plot the copy as usual. So that e.g. RSI 10.0 becomes -10, 65.0 becomes -65.
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Thanks Eugene

Can you do this for the Price Series in the PricePane?
I suppose you would have to change signs of the Open, High, Low, and Close
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No, but you can plot synthetic bars (or alter the Bars object) and do as this FAQ suggests:

FAQ: Is there ChangeBar method in WL6? + I want to chart an indicator, but without the stock price. Can I hide the PricePane?

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Thank you! This is excellent
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I'm getting a strange result when I run this that I can't explain. The PricePane series comes out odd even though I havent operated on it. Can you see whats going on?
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In addition, the commented out code in the for loop is what I really wanted. The new high should be the negative of the low and vice versa
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What's odd, strange, and what's going on?
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Not sure how to post an IMG but

the main price series keeps the original open low and close but the High is now a negative so I get very long tails

I never did any operations on the original Bars in the code.

1) How can I post a .png or other IMG in this post to show you
2) For other purposes, how should one initialize the Bars object
3) the problem above

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You can only get "very long tails" when running on .SPX and that's OK because the Bars collection have been modified. Otherwise you will get a correct chart.
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