How to schedule tasks in Strategy Monitor?
Author: mike333
Creation Date: 2/23/2010 5:42 AM
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i'm looking for possibility to modify "next run" time of different strategies in Startegy Monitor. Normally all are set to same time (in my case 16:30 for dayly strategies). Basically i would like to start the execution of strategies in predefined order.

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Hello Mike,

Please could you tell us which product and version are you using?
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sorry for wrong section ...

I'm using WLP 5.6
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i would like to start the execution of strategies in predefined order.
This feature is not offered. Please describe the need/use case for executing EOD strategies in a predefined order. Maybe we can come up with something for you.
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The Strategy Monitor schedules the run time for EOD strategies 30 minutes after the market closes. This is not subject to change. As a workaround, you can start the Strategy Monitor at the time when you like to start the strategy execution.

In the future, we plan to release a tool that will help the WLD users to customize parameters like market open and close times to better suit trading the overseas markets.
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Dear all,

Is in the actual version of WL a feature implemented to handle different EOD of future markets (e.g. US/ Asia / Europe)
We are looking for something to run WL-scripts automatically after market close / before market opening.
Is it possible to use the standard windows scheduler to schedule tasks. (Kind of WL Batch mode?)

Tnx in advance
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You could use the Task Scheduler to start Wealth-Lab, but each EOD Strategy Monitor item can be individually configured to run at a specified time in the Strategy Activation Settings.
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