How to get data range?
Author: ronc
Creation Date: 1/18/2013 11:18 PM
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How can I find the data ranges for symbol data that have been downloaded? I have looked completely through the Data Manager and cannot find it there. I am training a neural net in Neuro-Lab. NLab lets you specify to use the first or last X% of the data but it does not show dates. The Wealth-Lab User Guide, Section 17.5 says it is important to use datasets that are synchronized. So how does one find the dataset start and end dates in order to make sure they are synchronized? This is important not just within Neuro-Lab but when testing a resulting strategy. I am using Fidelity Wealth-Lab Pro 6.4.
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The idea is to select a reasonable data range option like Most Recent Years or Fixed Bars. In this case, you should not end up with a situation described in the WLUG > Neuro-Lab > Select Training Data > Training Period.

As to the first/last dates, they are easy to retrieve in WealthScript:

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Thanks Eugene, but let me clarify my question. I am not looking for the start and end dates of the data in a chart. Rather, I am looking for the start and end of the available data. When Wealth Lab downloads data (from Fidelity, Yahoo, etc.) I am looking for the time spans of that available downloaded/stored data, for each symbol, before it is used in any particular script. Where can I find that?
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I should have mentioned it in my first reply. Before running the script, select "All Data" in the data loading range box. This will give out your start/end dates of the available data.
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Hi there...
Sorry if stupid question - I am looking for the RANGE of a bar (the size meaning HIGH - LOW) and then need to convert to the absolute value. I have done this in other programs like ThinkScript for ThinkOrSwim and it is simple: ABS(Range) but for the life of me can't figure it out for Wealth-Lab. Does anyone know?

I use this to look for Large Bars --- looking for sizeable breakouts.

Any help would be great - THANKS!
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Welcome to the forums, Neil.

The topic starter's question was about the loaded data range, not the bar range. I'll reply here but if you have any followup questions, please ask them in a new thread.

The range of a bar is High - Low, and converting to absolute values is performed with DataSeries.Abs (see the QuickRef).

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There's also TrueRange at your service.
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Thank you very much! I am reading the Rob Miles C# book - very much appreciate the help.
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