How to get Japanese stocks like 7203.T from Yahoo?
Author: kephin
Creation Date: 8/21/2015 12:08 AM
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I looked up Toyota on Yahoo Japan's site and get the ticker 7203.T (which works for Yahoo Japan) and put it into wealthlab but it doesn't return any info. Yahoo Japan is a different company from Yahoo elsewhere so maybe this is the reason it doesn't work.
I tried to put the Japanese ticker into but it doesn't work.

Is there a different root ticker or something I am missing?

If not, what would the most frequently used Japanese free data source be for WL?


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7203.T (which works for Yahoo Japan) and put it into wealthlab but it doesn't return any info.

This FAQ explains how to determine if a symbol is supported:

FAQ | Data and Data Providers > Is it possible to get the futures data from Yahoo?

The site the provider is based on (, U.S. version) doesn't recognize the ticker (7203.T not found). Once a symbol is found, verify that its side menu contains the "Historical Prices" link. Otherwise it's not supported. You can search Y! U.S. website for a related ticker which may be supported.

If not, what would the most frequently used Japanese free data source be for WL?

For example, here's what I came up with by simply typing the first letters of "Japan" into our search-as-you-type field:

web download of japanese stocks
Japanese stock market EOD data

Let me recommend you to explore this helpful feature for your benefit.
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