How to add a new namespace to .net
Author: redliontrader
Creation Date: 11/20/2010 4:10 PM
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I know this is outside WealthLab pro.. but I also know that someone here can set me on the right path.

I want to add the google SDK so that I can read and write google spreadsheets from my wealthlab pro script.

using Google.GData.Client;
using Google.GData.Extensions;
using Google.GData.Spreadsheets;

I have downloaded and installed the SDK but these namespaces are still unknown to WLP. How do I get them visible and included?


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No, this is a good and valid question. Each DLL from the Google SDK required by your code should be referenced before it can be used by that particular Strategy. To add a reference to external .NET assemblies for use in strategy code, there's the "References" dialog with a list of .NET Framework assemblies. To add a reference for an assembly not in the list, use the "Other Assemblies to Reference" method to manually find the necessary DLLs. Selected references are saved with each Strategy.

But the easiest method is to drop the Google SDK DLL files (if applicable) to the WLP main folder. Then you can skip the "References" dialog because WL6 will instantly "know" where to look for them; the only thing that's left is to add those "using" directives on top of your Strategy.
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