How Best to Compare 2 Strategy Code's Writing ?
Author: swuzy
Creation Date: 5/23/2015 2:42 PM
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I make a number of changes from one version to the next. I may have several hundred lines of code (in this instance over 500 lines, yes mostly unnecessary fluff).

Often times I lose track of some of the changes, and suddenly the results (it compiles and runs with no "error" signals) are so different that it must be a syntax error, grammar error, placement error, arithmetic error, or the like somewhere.

As indicated, there is no error signal, it compiles and runs, but you know that you went wrong somewhere.

Is there a convenient tool / visualizer to pop out or highlight variations between two strategy code versions, for quicker comparative review and trouble shooting?

What are the various and best available tools to help accomplish this task?
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I really do wish that the embedded editor had a "diff" or compare feature. The "Snapshots" visualizer can do it but that is only if you had it installed. I have used AptEdit Lite (, a freeware XML file editor which has a built-in compare capability, for previously written files and have now turned on Snapshots. I know, it is a bit cumbersome, but it gets the job done.

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Thanks Carova for the link.

Eugene had mentioned it to me a week or two ago for purposes of doing quick reviews.

I don't quite understand how to invoke it. I had previously installed the both the Performance Visualizers library (currently 2015.05.15), and the Extra Performance Visualizers.

I see them in my WL 6.8 "Add Ins," "Extra Extensions," but I don't know how to load Snapshots. Control S does not do anything for me.

Maybe I am missing the specific extension "MS123 Performance Visualizers" ? I do see that the Perf Vis Libr is by MS123, and do not notice any others, so I remain puzzled and somewhat frustrated.

Thanks also for referring to AptEditLite. I may have to resort to it.

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Hi Carova,

I notice there is a separate download for Apt Diff

Your comment suggested to me that AptEdit Lite may have this feature built in?

But maybe not. Should I also download and install Apt Diff in addition to AptEdit Lite?


Oh! I see Apt Diff is included in AptEdit Lite. Great.
Thanks again.

Can't really complain about nice free tools. But wish Apt Diff is accessible in the menu for AE Lite rather than being a separate program. Also wish I could just cut and paste text code into the Diff windows, rather than having to navigate umpteen layers to the two files to be compared.

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Maybe I am missing the specific extension "MS123 Performance Visualizers" ?

Yes. I even left the direct installation link in my reply a week ago:

Save Detailed Analyzable Results of a Strategy Run?

The online manual for Snapshots also has a clickable link to install the required extension in the first paragraph. I'm at a loss as to how it could be made more prominent and easy than that. :)
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Hi Eugene,

I did go there and downloaded it, said Already Up to Date.

Went to your referenced link again just now .... , downloaded it, said Already Up to Date. downloaded and re-installed it; restarted it.
Ran a strategy, .... oh silly me, should have picked a brief one on the Dow 30. ....

Ach! ach! I had forgotten! I need to open Files, Preferences, and check my Visualizer choices!
Years ago I had done this to disable most of them to reduce overhead burden.

Now I reap the consequences of my infirm memories and my own forgotten choices.

This is also why I have learned to be more patient in the face of frustrations.

Far too often, the frustrations are caused by me, myself !

My ode to Grecian lore, ...

Tragedy is the grandiosity of our aspirations,
Felled by the agony of our shortcomings.

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Glad you have everything sorted out.
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