Group1|Group2|Group3 in BuyAtLimit
Author: SimhaD04
Creation Date: 2/5/2014 10:26 AM
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the BuyAtLimit format according to the QuickRef is as follows:
Please log in to see this code.

is optional, which is used in the Trade's tab list as Entry Name.

It appears that the function of
is more than just a label, because if I change the code from
Please log in to see this code.
Please log in to see this code.

I get completely different results. I also tried changing the label in quotation marks, to something different than Group1|Group2|Group3|. I do see the new label in Trades, but it changes results as well.

Are there additional functions for the label besides labeling Entry/Exits?


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It's always a good idea to check the FAQs before posting questions:

FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > After generating strategy code with "View Strategy Code", there are strings like "Group1" and "Group1|". What do they mean?

"GroupX" lines appear in Strategies generated from Rules automatically. They are the keys used to match entries with exits. Consequently, if you rename or delete them, the whole logic might fail, producing unpredictably different results. When programming Strategies in code, other design patterns are typically used so the entry/exit labels usually do not affect the backtesting results -- unless a strategy is programmed specifically to distinguish entry labels and adjust its behavior accordingly.

P.S. I've renamed the poorly named thread "BuyAtLimit problem" because it's not nearly a problem. It's by design.
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FAQ corrects the manual by saying that there is indeed an additional function besides labeling, but it does not explain how that function works. Is it documented somewhere?
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The FAQ doesn't have to explain that as it's not necessary. If one's modifying the output of an automatically generated rule-based strategy, he is assumed to know what he's doing because what's going on with the entry label dependency is pretty much obvious to any C# programmer reviewing such code.
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