Formatting symbols in additional panes
Author: Harapa
Creation Date: 9/27/2014 10:11 AM
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I am a newbie to WL scripting. Please help.

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Please help me to modify the above to:
1. Display Symbol Description (IWM, QQQ, <etc) on chart panes
2. Define Data Set for each Symbol
3. Define how each Symbol is plotted (Bar, Candle, Line)

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1. Just enable the "Show Indicator Labels on the Chart" button on the chart toolbar. (First button after "Show:")

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3. External symbol plots will, by default, use the style the base symbol is plotted in. If you want a line or mountain-type plot, then you could simply use PlotSeries and specify LineStyle.Solid or LineStyle.Histogram, respectively.

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I have it now. Thanks for your help.

I have one more question.
Is it possible to color code histogram in the code. If yes how?

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Is it possible to color code histogram in the code. If yes how?

See SetSeriesBarColor in the QuickRef.
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