Filter Entry Criteria Based on Average Volume
Author: traindl
Creation Date: 5/25/2012 5:01 AM
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i just wanted to know how i can write a programm code to install a filter for my entry criteria for portfolio simulation.
for example my entry criteria is to buy at market bar+1 if stochastik %D is < 20
and now i would like to add a filter: only take those equities where volume at signal bar is smaller at least 10% then average volume (sma volume of the last 10 days)

can somebody help me to create this code and at which line this code should stand?

would be great !!

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Welcome to the forums Thomas,
and now i would like to add a filter: only take those equities where volume at signal bar is smaller at least 10% then average volume (sma volume of the last 10 days)

Here you go:
Please log in to see this code.

Actually, you don't even have to code this. Take Position Options from our MS123 PosSizer library, and set it up like this:

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Hello Eugene

thanks for quick information .. i will try this :)

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