Extra Column When Pasting into Excel
Author: xramx
Creation Date: 10/16/2014 7:56 AM
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I often copy trade data from WLP and paste it into Excel and have wondered why there is an extra, blank column at the end? My natural tendency is to add my own data immediate to the right of the pasted info. Of course, if later I refresh the WLP data, my 1st data column is destroyed.

I'm getting better at remembering to leave a blank column, but that does adds extra steps when Sorting or Filtering.

If the extra blank column is not inherent in the process, eliminating it in some future update would be appreciated.

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You must be doing something wrong. There is no extra blank column when copying from the Trades tab (at least in Developer v6.6).
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Actually, I see it too. What are we doing wrong? :) It's only two operations: Copy to Clipboard, Paste.

Basically, each record ends with a tab, and that creates the extra "column".
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There is an extra column, column P, in my WLP Try this. Put something in column P, then do the paste. For me, that column P value is wiped out.

My "Trades tab" column headings (A thru O) are Position / Symbol / Quantity / Entry Date / Entry Price / Exit Date / Exit Price / Profit % / Profit $ / Bars Held / Profit per Bar / Entry Name / Exit Name / MAE % / MFE %
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This bug must be new in 6.7 then. I could only recall a bug (26530) from 2011 where Equity tab inserted an extra empty label when copying to clipboard (but it was fixed in 6.5).
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Eugene, it happens with WLD 6.6. Really, there's an extra tab for each record. Your code for GenerateTradesPlusClipboardOutput():

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Now it's clear that everyone is talking about here: Trades+. This issue will be fixed in next release. Thanks Robert.

2 xramx: not talking about WLP and Trades tab here.
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Now it's clear that everyone is talking about here: Trades+.
Not "Trades+" my case. Happens for me using "Trades."
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Despite that "\t", I couldn't reproduce it in OpenOffice Calc at all. I added an extra column adjacent to "Total Efficiency" filled with custom values, and then pasting over the sheet with new data didn't result in overwriting that column. Maybe the software is smart enough to not create the column when it's not required.
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Then OpenOffice is different from stupid Excel... and any editor that keeps the tab that actually exists in the text!

Not "Trades+" my case. Happens for me using "Trades."
Sure, I know that, but I don't have that code, which would certainly show the same thing. It's a pretty common practice to add a separator for each field you add to a list - especially if you're not sure it's going to be the final column at design time.
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It's a pretty common practice to add a separator for each field you add to a list - especially if you're not sure it's going to be the final column at design time.

But you still don't want to add an extra delimiter at the end and then blame the receiving app for reacting to it. Geez. My common practice for the "not sure how many" situation (at the cost of a few cycles) often looks more like:
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