Error CS1022: Type or namespace definition or end of file expected
Author: braddono
Creation Date: 11/20/2010 6:10 PM
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I just tried running a strategy I've been using for quite some time, and received the subject error message. Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? I run this strategy in Strategy Monitor every night after the NY close and never have a problem. I made two condition changes to my exit rules, but the changes were very minor and they were made using the point-and-click rules - I am not writing code/scripts.
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Sounds exactly like a known bug introduced by the 6.0's rule wizard, to be fixed in 6.1. Most likely, you added an "OR" divider somewhere e.g. a hanging "OR" divider, or in between of two SellAtMarket signals etc.

Running "rule" created 5.6 strategies in 6.0
Strategy ran in WL5 but not in WL6

Remove that OR divider, reload the Strategy in Strategy Monitor.
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Thanks Eugene - it was between two SellAtMarket signals - I don't know why the problem didn't surface before now - I hadn't changed the location. I removed it and re-entered the "OR" again - within one SellAtMarket - and it works fine now. Thanks again.
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