Edit bar data in strategy
Author: ruediger78
Creation Date: 7/12/2014 1:33 AM
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is it possible to to edit bar data of for example a Yahoo Symbol within a strategy code script ?

If so, could please give me a code example?
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First and foremost, what exactly are you trying to achieve with this? Asking because I suspect that editing data may not be even needed.

If you wish to edit the current symbol, for simplicity's sake the answer is no. What you can do is edit a bar on-the-fly w/o submitting changes to the file itself as shown in the FAQ:

Is there ChangeBar method in WL6?

Talking about Yahoo, it's also possible to use SaveToFile and then replace the source .WL file in the AppData\Roaming folder:

FAQ: Is it possible to edit stored data in Wealth-Lab 6?
How to deal with bad data
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Thanks for your answer, Eugene,

but this doesnt solve my problem as far as I can see.

I was asking because I have trouble with some splitted symbols in Yahoo Data.

I have "Perform Splir adjustments" checked in Yahoo Data Tab, but some splits are not adjusted though. Recent examples were IP and CHK.

I then have to "process the stock split" manually, which is not the problem. The problem are the 10-15 days, which come after the split. When updating Yahoo data the next day, it adds not only the last bar, but it updates also 10-12 bars before. So if in this time span a split has occured, the 1-9 bars before the split are again not adjusted. And the bars after that are adjusted again, so that it looks like an island top on the chart.

So on these 10-15 days after the split I have Reload chart history. Then it tells me, that there is no data. I have to update the data again and then perform the stock split again.

Now I wondered if it is possible to change these values of the 1-9 bars before the split with a script, to shorten this procedure.

Would be glad of any ideas. Or have I overlooked something?
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This is why I was asking, suspecting that editing data may not be even needed - and that's true.

The 10 days can not be shortened, it's the period for which the provider loads data for corrections. It does not make sense to expose this as an option since it does its job well and isn't subject to tweaking.

Unfortunately, your scenario can not be properly managed by the provider because these splits are missing from the Yahoo data. The correct way is to contact Yahoo Finance technical support and prove that a recent split is missing in their historical data despite that a stock has split. This is what's happened with CHK (07/01/2014 split 1057:1000) and IP (07/02/2014 split 1014:1000). Usually, Yahoo reacts albeit not necessarily too soon.

An alternative is to make a temporary switch to a correctly adjusted data for these stocks. The BBFree data seems adjusted for this split. Note that you can combine data by different vendors using the Watchlist provider.
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